Be prepared for a flood of historical photo-blogging. As I go through the photo collection I'm sure I'll find more pictures to post, and it sure makes it easy to keep the site fresh with new content!
This picture was taken earlier in the summer from our apartment window. It certainly begs for a much funnier caption, but I'm afraid this will have to do for now.
Since I know there may be a few family members out there who are still curious about what Amy and I are up to these days, I've decided to get a head start on a New Year's resolution for 2006: Trying the ol' blogging thing again.
After graduating from Iowa State this past May, I pretty much let the dust settle on my old digs. As of this post that site is still up and accessible, but I fear the webspace account police at ISU will be closing it down sometime in the near future. In the meantime I will have to see if I can archive that content here somehow.
Anyhow, the short version of the last 7 months goes as follows:
Adam and Amy graduate from ISU
Adam and Amy get married
Adam and Amy take a honeymoon in Milwaukee, WI
Adam and Amy move to Washington, DC
Adam begins working for the federal government (if you know Adam well you know where)
Adam and Amy visit the Washington Monument, which
is a light-brownish shade on the bottom third and more grayish on the top two-thirds because of the long time period during which construction was halted
looks like a scary silent Big-Brother monster with red blinking eyes at night
This week we're getting ready to head back to Iowa for the holidays, and we're very much looking forward to seeing family and friends and free food! And cheap movie tickets!! It's pretty crazy that the price for the two of us to see a flick in DC also buys us a subscription to Netflix each month, with which we can watch an entire season of 24 in almost real-time.