Tonight we took what started out as a short 2 mile bike ride to the mall, and ended up as a 12 mile ride around town, down Duff Ave, by the airport, and back up University Blvd. We weren't planning such a long trip, but when we left the mall we noticed the red taillight had fallen off the back of Amy's bike (I didn't do the best job attaching it), and since her front light has been flaky lately, we made a quick stop at WalMart to replace both lights. Then we figured, might as well break the lights in and get some more miles under our butts for RAGBRAI!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Project 365 Day 89: Happy Birthday to Me!
A beautiful day for a bike ride to Olde Main, where we had a delicious supper. Adam also gave me some pretty awesome gifts, including a hand-crafted card that involved a Post-It note and a drawing of an angry unicorn reading a book called "Glue A-Z."
Monday, March 29, 2010
Project 365 Day 88 (written by Amy)
It's happened: I've gotten hooked on a series of graphic novels. We went to the Ames Public Library tonight so I could pick up the next several volumes of the series Fables by Bill Willingham. The premise is that the characters from several fairy tales and legends have been banished from their homelands by a baddy known as The Adversary, and they've set up an underground community in New York City (with a farm upstate for the characters--i.e., Puss in Boots, the three little pigs, etc.--who are unable to blend in with the "mundanes").
The stories are very clever, with part of the conflict coming from the fact that the Prince Charming characters from Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella are all the same guy. The reformed Big Bad Wolf, known as Bigby Wolf in this series, is the police chief; Old King Cole is the mayor (although the deputy mayor, Snow White, is really in charge); and Cinderella is a secret agent who helps eliminate Fable characters who are feeding information to The Adversary.
It took some time to get used to this setting, but it's a lot of fun to read about these very familiar characters in much different roles. I'll never be able to read the traditional stories in the same way!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Special post for Mom Holland

Adam's parents gave me a gift certificate for the same yarn company. I'm looking forward to spending it, but I'm afraid that deciding what I want might make my head explode (in a good way)! Thanks to our families and friends for making yesterday such a special day!
Project 365 Day 87: Bargain Hunting
Perhaps "hunting" is overstating it. Everthing at the booksale we went to in Des Moines today was half off, so pretty much everything of even remote interest was a bargain. For my part I found a few classic compact discs to remind me of my more youthful youth, including Roxette's "Joyride" which took me back to my middle school days when I would spend the day at the Grover's place with a friend listening to music and hanging out. Consider that memory rescued for only $2.00!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Project 365 Day 86: Balloons!
We celebrated Amy's upcoming 30th birthday with family and friends today at her parent's home. A good time was had by all, and these balloons were a big hit with the little ones. I made sure we didn't leave empty handed though--at least, as far as balloons go. Amy got some nice gifts, but I thought the best gift of all was me, when her niece put a bow on my head. Happy Birthday!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Project 365 Day 85: Campus Ave

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Project 365 Day 84: Go State!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Project 365 Day 83: We Must Be Busy
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Project 365 Day 82: Feeling the Magic
Monday, March 22, 2010
Project 365 Day 81: Point of No Return
"Oh. An envelope. How curious..."
"If my X-ray-equipped monocle is working correctly (thanks DHS), this appears to be a submission of RAGBRAI waivers to the Des Moines Register. Now who around here would be crazy enough to do RAGBRAI?"
"Ah yes, that young couple who moved in down the street just last summer. Always riding their bicycles back at all kinds of odd hours. An endless array of odd gadgets hanging off the handlebars. I'll never understand it. What's the point? They could barely transport this block's outgoing mail to the main post office for crying out loud! "
"Honestly, where do they think they are living? Amsterdam? Portland!?"
"Oh well. Their bodies, their butts. Good luck with that ride across Iowa. Just remember, the state is about as flat as a sheet of half-popped bubble wrap covered in packing peanuts!"
"My goodness, Craig Ferguson is starting, must get back to the television. Now that's a guy who knows how make me laugh."
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Project 365 Day 80: Cheese Heads
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Project 365 Day 79: Bracket Busters
Friday, March 19, 2010
Project 365 Day 78
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Project 365 Day 77

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Project 365 Day 76

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Project 365 Day 75

Although I was shocked and horrified to learn that we will not, in fact, be within 2.1 miles of a Jimmy John's at every point of the RAGBRAI route, I'm pretty excited about my newly tricked out bike and am looking forward to many bike rides this summer, even before the big event.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Project 365 Day 74
- There is no wind in Iowa
- Each segment of the ride is no longer than 2.1 miles
- Consumption of a Jimmy Johns sandwich is mandatory between segments
Oh crap.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Project 365 Day 70: Lounging

While walking across campus on my lunch hour today, I saw something I haven't seen for months: Sir Lancelot and Elaine, enjoying a peaceful post-lunch rest on the grass near Music Hall. I'm sure it won't be long before they are wreaking havoc with the traffic and attacking parked cars around Lake Laverne, the little darlings!