Today we adventured out onto the county highways of Story County, and made progress in our RAGBRAI preparations. Having never ridden long distances on county highways without bike lanes before, it was a little nerve racking at first, but turned out to not be so bad. Most drivers were polite enough and generally gave us a wide berth as they passed. Only two drivers honked at us, but we will just assume those were honks of solidarity in the fraternity of wheeled transportation.
Well, that may be a stretch, but we did get a friendly wave from an oncoming motorcyclist (seriously, a real wave, not a middle finger).
Our route took us 55 miles total, starting at our house in Ames, with an obligatory fuel-up stop at Perkins in town, followed by a trip through Nevada to the east, then Maxwell to the south, where we stopped at the Casey's pictured above, and hydrated and snacked while enjoying our view of the Maxwell Public Library and City Hall across the street. Then we rode west to Cambridge, and finally back north to Ames.
We are happy to say this has eliminated one more item (i.e. highway bicycle riding) from our fairly long yet-to-be-experienced-experiences list for RAGBRAI. Still to come: camping, showering in car washes, and eating pork chop on a stick.