Sunday, August 01, 2010

Project 365 Day 213: Amenities of Home

After returning home yesterday from our RAGBRAI adventure this past week we have found a new appreciation for all those things about living in a house that we had been taking for granted. For example:
  1. Not having to carry a roll of toilet paper with us to the bathroom, just in case
  2. Having a toilet that flushes
  3. Not having to wait in line for 20 minutes after getting up in the morning to use the bathroom, when you desperately need to go
  4. Availability of a sink in the bathroom with running water and soap
  5. A bed that is not inflated each day
  6. A bedroom that is tall enough to allow for an adult to stand upright in while getting dressed
We will enjoy these amenities and many other aspects of being in a comfortable house again. At the same time, we find ourselves using phrases like "if we do RAGBRAI again, next time we should blah blah blah...", so who knows what the future holds.

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