Thursday, September 30, 2010

Project 365 Day 273: Halloween Boutique

My apologies for the lack of focus on this picture. I blame this on a couple of things:

  1. I forgot to take my cell phone camera out of macro mode
  2. I was rushed to avoid getting caught by the camera cops in the store
Let me explain number two in more detail. You may be able to see the small white letter-sized rectangle of paper at the top of the rack in the center of the picture. I'm sure you cannot read it, but it basically said something to effect of "NO PHOTOS IN STORE!!!"

Ah, but you see, I was not "in" the store when I took this picture. If you notice the floor pattern change in the foreground, you will deduce that I was in fact in the hallway of the mall, taking a picture that just happened to be pointed towards this seasonal Halloween costume shop.

I took the picture because the Mario costume on the right reminded me of the Mario costume I wore back in my grade school days for the Halloween party at Rowley elementary school. I am certain mine was much better quality than this one, however, thanks to my mom who helped make it (by which I mean she made all of it, except for the Mario face with cut out eye holes that I drew on cardboard).

Thanks Mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your welcome! That is one of the greatest uses of my sewing skills, because it gave us such great memories to hold onto. I wish now that I would had kept more of those costumes. Bert and Ernie were great ones, too. When the doorbell rings on Halloween, I always think of those times decades ago when my own little kids were the ones on the other side of the door out there begging for candy with their cousins. Hopefully, some other little kids are still enjoying those costumes we sold on garage sales many Halloweens ago.